If you have a question about Absorbine products, please contact us using the form below.
Absorbine products are available from good equestrian retailers throughout the UK and Europe, supplied by our dedicated country distributors.
Distributed by:
Belgium | Horse Fit Form Intl. S.C. | +32-424-63615 | hfi@horsefitform.be | www.horsefitform.com |
Denmark | Little Creek Western Company | +45 61 74 00 59 | pernille@littlecreek.dk | www.westerncompany.eu |
Finland | Hevari Oy | +358-3714-1111 | vatu@phnet.fi | www.hevari.fi |
France | Intersante | +33 1 30 15 78 12 | info@intersante.com | www.intersante.com |
Germany / Europe | BioRanch GMBH | +49-2532-959-385 | Andre.schaefer.@bioranch.de | www.bioranch.de |
Ireland | Equine Veterinary Supplies | +353-454-35020 | pm@tri-ireland.com | www.tri-ireland.com |
Italy | Umbria Equitazione S.R.L. | +39-075-856-0191 | Info@umbriaequitazione.com | www.umbriaequitazione.com |
Malta | Equitrade Ltd. | +356-242-689 | equitrade@vol.net.mt | |
Netherlands | Bieman de Haas BV | +31-487-597-884 | r.vankerkhof@bieman.com | www.bieman.com |
Norway | Heimer AS | +47 61165750 | Aage@heimer.no | www.heimer.no |
Poland | Absorbina Poland | +48-795 95 9909 | olszewski@absorbina.pl | www.absorbina.pl |
Sweden | Willab AB | +46 431 44 59 00 | pia.bogren@willab.se | www.willab.se |
Switzerland | Hauptner Instrumente GmbH | +41-44-805-9911 | Einkauf@hauptner.ch | |
United Kingdom | Battles | +44 (0)1522-563-383 | richard@battles.co.uk | www.battles.co.uk |
United Kingdom | Saddlery Trade Services | +44 (0)1922-630-013 | stswalsall@btconnect.com | www.saddlerytradeservices.co.uk |
United Kingdom | Trilanco | +44 (0)1772-754810 | martin@trilanco.com | www.trilanco.com |
United Kingdom | Handmade Shoes (Magic Cushion only) | +44 (0)1296 662 473 | Darrenmalone@handmadeshoes.co.uk | |
United Kingdom | Total Foot Protection (Magic Cushion only) | +44 (0)1403-791000 | Marc@tfp.uk.com | |
Spain / Portugal | Horse1 Equine SL | +34 91 612 6502 | coby@horse1.org | www.horse1.org |